Nno, Welcome, Ola,

I visited Nigeria in 2006 and was bitten by a bug called High Infant Mortality Rate. I read about the issue in a local news paper in Abuja. This information was buttressed while on holidays in my father's village (Nnewi); an elderly woman informed my cousin and I of 2 infant deaths that Christmas week from childhood preventable illnesses. I was aghast. I sat down, dumfounded, then a flashback of I (as a child), at the end of civil war, women carrying their dying babies of kwashiorkor to my father's compound seeking relief; food, water, medicine anything to help their infants. In 2007 I returned to finish my graduate school in Public Health and my community health class provided a platform to research infant mortality rate. Hence, I wrote a paper on it, and proposed a three year strategic pyramid solution.

This blog is about being part of the solution:
(a) bringing the issue to bear
(b) envisioning seamless integrated strategies
(c) visualizing adapting innovative, sustainable solutions to mitigate variables that give rise to high infant deaths.

At issue is the continent of Africa. Some may say I gave money to Africa, yes you did but in reality you gave money for a project in Mali, or Sierra Leone or Liberia. That is 3 countries out of 50. From my research, high infant morality rate in SSA is attracting international, national and individual researchers seeking effective methods in implementing sustainable measures or solutions towards reversing the numbers. I am suggesting that more man power is needed to combat the problem at least in Nigeria.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Staying focused on High Infant Mortality Rate in Nigeria, SSA

I got a call recently, and the person said, "you know you can start a blog called venting :-)". I wouldn't bore you with the recent of the conversation, suffice to say my take away lesson from the conversation, was I seem to be deviating from my aim of this blog,  to (a) highlight the High Infant Mortality Rate in SAA (Nigeria) and (b) hope and pray the numbers would be reversed. But praying wouldn't do it,  and hoping is a positive sign, hence there needs to be actionable solutions to the problem.  Furthermore. I remember my uncle saying "stay away from politics, stay focused to the cause", wise words from a man of wisdom, I wonder if I have stayed true to his comment.  Nor does my brother's comment help when he said, "folks who blog think people really need to hear what they have to say because, I think it is ridiculous, people who post crap on face book are stupid... abusing the internet with no training".  Apart from enjoying the art of reading, especially a piece of good writing, I felt compelled to comment on the downtrodden nature of the U.S. economy (as a public consumer of news), since being from California I am deeply affected by it or know lots of people being equally affected by it.  As I previously mentioned I did not know what blogging entails however, I know it is fluid in nature, and so would 1.

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