Nno, Welcome, Ola,

I visited Nigeria in 2006 and was bitten by a bug called High Infant Mortality Rate. I read about the issue in a local news paper in Abuja. This information was buttressed while on holidays in my father's village (Nnewi); an elderly woman informed my cousin and I of 2 infant deaths that Christmas week from childhood preventable illnesses. I was aghast. I sat down, dumfounded, then a flashback of I (as a child), at the end of civil war, women carrying their dying babies of kwashiorkor to my father's compound seeking relief; food, water, medicine anything to help their infants. In 2007 I returned to finish my graduate school in Public Health and my community health class provided a platform to research infant mortality rate. Hence, I wrote a paper on it, and proposed a three year strategic pyramid solution.

This blog is about being part of the solution:
(a) bringing the issue to bear
(b) envisioning seamless integrated strategies
(c) visualizing adapting innovative, sustainable solutions to mitigate variables that give rise to high infant deaths.

At issue is the continent of Africa. Some may say I gave money to Africa, yes you did but in reality you gave money for a project in Mali, or Sierra Leone or Liberia. That is 3 countries out of 50. From my research, high infant morality rate in SSA is attracting international, national and individual researchers seeking effective methods in implementing sustainable measures or solutions towards reversing the numbers. I am suggesting that more man power is needed to combat the problem at least in Nigeria.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Global Strategy for reversal" of high infant mortality rate in Nigeria-SSA

"The world needs to rise....The world needs to say enough is enough... we cannot do it alone...We must come together".   We need "Good Governance"..."Global Community"...."Global Strategy" for reversal of...." environmental disaster, "ecological war" brought upon by Shell oil-gas production and pollution at the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria.  These words were uttered by Oronto Douglas (Environmental and Human Rights Lawyer, Advisor to the Nigerian President) to Harry Kreisler during an interview at  the Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley. (http/global trotter.Berkely.edu- UC TV).  Mr. Douglas was responding to his visit to the gulf of Mexico before the oil disaster and how the area compares to the gulf of Guinea.  It was of interest to note that Mr. Douglas was advocating for global response regarding on going issues at the gulf of guinea.  Suffice to say that I am not the only one calling upon the global village to be responsive to human issues in Nigeria, Sub-Saharan Africa.

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